The Professionalist Real Estate Investing Podcast

Should Anyone Just Dive Into Real Estate ?

The Professionalist Real Estate Investing Podcast Episode 10

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Ever wondered how a labor worker climbed his way to success in real estate investing? Meet Rocky, our guest for this episode, who will inspire you with his remarkable journey, from sweat and toil to property deals and profits! But before we dive into his story, let's remind ourselves of the importance of self-investment and goal-setting. After all, becoming a successful real estate investor requires more than just trusting brokers with your money; it necessitates equipping yourself with knowledge and preparation.

As Rocky shares his personal journey, we uncover the power of belief in overcoming obstacles. Ignoring the naysayers and focusing on personal goals are key to his success. But success doesn't come alone. A supportive network plays a critical role in boosting your chances of achieving your dreams. So, let's get inspired by Rocky's story, and pick up some invaluable insights into real estate success.

The latter part of our conversation brings to light the benefits of being surrounded by like-minded individuals. Networking, setting realistic expectations, and taking baby steps are all part of the journey. Furthermore, your mindset can profoundly impact your decision-making process in real estate. Listen closely as Rocky shares his insights on how the right people can help you stay focused and grounded. So buckle up and prepare to learn and be inspired in the world of real estate!

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Speaker 1:

Yeah, the professionals for the state investing podcasts. I'm with my guy who, rocky, how you doing today, bro, doing great man, that's good. That's good You're being here, right? So, yeah, we just gonna get into things, especially with this forum meeting we just talked about even before we hit the record button. Does that mean the question that mean you was talking about? Because it needs to be dealt with, because a lot of people think you can just dive into it? Should a person just dive into real estate or how should they go about even being given into the real estate game?

Speaker 2:

Yeah, that's a great question. A great question to get into, because that's the question I had a couple of years ago talking about earlier. Just like, oh sweet, let's get in real estate investing, but what do you start? What do you?

Speaker 1:

do yeah.

Speaker 2:

What kind of foundation do you need before you start to open in? You can't just jump into it, right. I got a business problem and I've got cash flow, I'm good, I'm doing it. That does not happen.

Speaker 1:

No, it doesn't, no, it doesn't. And then you just can't go on to YouTube or listen to you know seminar support people talking about, well, this is how it's done, this and that and everything. Well, it might have worked for you, but everything doesn't work for everyone, yeah.

Speaker 2:

And you got to do it a lot of times. If you don't do it on your own, if you don't invest, invest in yourself first, yes, it doesn't happen. Because I always tell people you want to buy something together or do something together, I'm like, oh, I'll pay for it all.

Speaker 2:

And then they know your friends or whatever, oh sweet, you'll pay for it and I'll pay you later and then and like say, your clients fall through, and then you step up the bill until they throw money into the game. They're like, okay, we're going to do it now because I paid into it. I paid into it Like go to the gym right, I was like go to the gym, and so that year long commitment to the gym and all that money, because yes. I'm invested. I got it. I got it. Well, yeah, money's in the game, I skinned in the game.

Speaker 1:

And especially with real estate like it's, there's so many different avenues, so many different levels to it. You and you have to be around the right people to the right mindset. You got to know what your goals are. Your goals your goals are in real estate have to correspond actually with what you have going on in life.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, definitely.

Speaker 1:

So it takes a lot of time. It takes a lot of patience. Nothing's done overnight. The get rich, you know if something comes fast, you know to get rich, fixed games and everything, those, no, those, those are flaws. Yeah, that's exactly what those are.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, I think someone told me before they're like you know, you know brokers that invest your money for you and stuff like that. Yes, he's like if that was the case, you know how many multi-millionaires it should be?

Speaker 1:

More than what you're in.

Speaker 2:

And someone says I can take your money and make you more money. You know it's multi-millionaires. I don't think I don't think I read across anybody that has a book broker, that they're like I am quitting my job next year because my book, my broker, made me millions of dollars off my inheritance or something like that. It's always oh, they may have a little bit and the broker is just making more money of you because he ain't doing nothing except taking your money.

Speaker 2:

Exactly Inventing your money gains and losses. Right, he's still getting his cut. And I was like so eventually he's like what he came down to. He was like are you going to trust the most invested money or are you going to invest your own money? Because either way you're going to win some, you're going to lose some. Exactly, who's taking that cut? Who's coming in the middle? The broker is coming in the middle. He's taking money, no matter what.

Speaker 1:

I was like, yeah, Especially, you're going to have trials and tribulations. Everything is not everything. You know the good, the bad, the ugly, it's going to come. It's going to come and you want that because you know what, you have it underneath your belt and you know exactly what to experience, Because everything's about experience.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, going back to having a life in order. Yes, I didn't start picking. I'll be 35 November.

Speaker 1:

Oh, that's crazy. That's my brother's birthday. Oh, hey, you have a brother, david's birthday, yeah.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, scottfield, yeah right, so I'll be 30, I'll be 35 on the board, but I started thinking about investing a couple of years ago. Wow, I always had foreign case. I always had always had a check and savings account, little brokerage account and stuff like that, but I really didn't think about investing until my age. Now I married with two kids at four years old and two girls. They really thought, thinking about it and, like we talked about that, I wish I was in my 20s, my 21. I wish I was 21 with this mindset to have now, because that 10 years, that 10 years, I could have been really just grinding and thinking about my best way to launch it.

Speaker 2:

You know, I always say, like when I was in high school, right when I was 18, and I started saving. Started saving was like who's 18 years old? I'd rather I'll be 22 by 20 than running with my car Exactly, I'm trying to floss.

Speaker 1:

That's what you're trying to do.

Speaker 2:

It's trying to be. It's trying to be funny.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, oh yeah. If we knew what we knew now when we was 20, the world would be a whole different place. Yeah, that's what I teach. I'm teaching both of my daughters. I have one that's she will be 19. And then another one she'll she's 21. But I'm teaching them that they're learning things about life. I have one right now, the one you know January, I'll be a grand daddy. I said not grandpa, a grand daddy.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, congratulations.

Speaker 1:

Thank you, and she's, she's, she's like dad. She's already asked some questions about real estate right now as we speak, so I'm giving her, I'm giving her little nuggets here and there and everything.

Speaker 2:

Little nuggets man yeah.

Speaker 1:

And I commend her because she's so young. If I knew everything that I'm giving her of information food for thought, man, I'm glad that she's taking it in now because I want her, her and my other daughter, I want them to have a great future. So that's why that was one of the reasons why I wanted to invest in me with real estate. You know, getting my real estate license, starting my real estate business and going from there during my podcast YouTube, because I listen to a lot of podcasts and YouTube just going off just a little bit and Information is power and they're definitely right. But you have to tell people about that information. Yeah, you can't just keep leave it bottle up because just just think, some of the information that we talk about we've been think the Mimi thing that's. We may not think it's vital, but it could be vital to someone else, that one person, that one person that can change their mindset, their thought, their life.

Speaker 2:

Yeah yeah.

Speaker 1:

So I'm glad, I'm really glad that my daughter she's, she's, she's wanting, she's, she texas me, she goes, dad, how do you do a go about this and really say that said, I'm gonna give you a little nugget here and no nuggets there, and everything I say when and when I see you in January, I'll even talk to you more.

Speaker 2:

So, yeah, there's a saying. It says that don't don't teach your kids. But you don't give you kids everything that you didn't have to teach them. Teach them everything that you didn't know. Oh, exactly when you're going up, because the main till the things you know, those will come ago. But like that knowledge that you wish you would have when you're younger, that could change it. That could change your, your, your life, your next generation.

Speaker 2:

Yes, because I'm like, if I'm the first, I'm one of the first of my family graduate with it from college and and but into the medical field, have no one in the number field, wow. So it was hard for me because I was in when I was in school, all my, my classmates, like all my mom's you are there oh, my uncle's a doctor, oh yeah, they had, they had that their fingertips the entire life. And me, and literally I was the labor worker. You know I do forklift, I did all that stuff, you know, digging holes, ditches and stuff. I was my. I was like I was what I do. You know it's going with my life. And I was like, no, I'm gonna switch it up. And now, in the medical field, my sons they get to see me do that. And you know I hear them under the words, like I'm gonna be a doctor, like you, daddy, you know I'm a nurse, I want to be a doctor, I want to do this, I want to be like, oh my god, if you go with that you're gonna be sick.

Speaker 2:

You're gonna be sick, right? I think you say that because they can see it, and it was hard for me to get to the healthcare field. Oh, that's for sure. Yes that's for people that are already in it.

Speaker 1:

Yes, yeah, I know me and you worked around the hospital field for years and, yeah, a lot of people feel that way and you know they're just average people. To stay, studied everything and that mindset of studying, we just flipped it over to real estate. That's the basic we did yeah we just flipped it over to real estate.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, 100% I need to have you by more, by a home, a next home. I think I will be now thinking about buying multiple homes. I was like the same. I said, like I was in this school, like I don't know if that is. I never I've never been around Doctors and nurses, but I don't know. If I do it, I'm killing it, yeah, but I'm a good, I'm a good nurse, yeah.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 1:

Good, I could buy another home on this close, you know, and I and you, you speak it into existence, you speak it into existence in your don't. Don't. That's a people. Don't listen to that outside noise. Oh yeah, there was people to talk, I want Good, for instance, when I was studying and I've said this before my podcast, for but it's really like a person should never give up, especially anything they could do, especially, you know, because we're in the real estate platform rate at the investing. Do not listen to the outside noise.

Speaker 1:

I Never, ever, thought I was going to be a real estate agent never. But then, when I started studying and studying, and then I was like, okay, this is how it's done, and, like you know, I had faults. I, I studied everything, I passed the courses of the real estate, but when it came to the test, they'll the first one, they'll the second one, they'll the third one, the fourth one. I passed Because the first one, I did not know what I was getting myself into, because what I was studying is not what was on the text.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 1:

And then, second, I improved a little bit and then that third one. The third one was basically I should write a mini book about it because the third one I remember I was down in Sacramento and I get a phone call and the lady said to me she says, tony, I'm sorry but we're not gonna be able to do tests. And I was like, oh well, you got to make this happen, because I just drive, I just drove two hours away from here and she goes okay, I got to see what I can work out. We have somebody moving coming from Riverside down to Southern Southern California and I had to tell the lady no, and she was balling, crying, because at the time with Kobe, it was still going full throttle.

Speaker 1:

But it wasn't, it was, it was past the highest peak. They were only allowing 10 people to take this test, the real estate test, in Sacramento. The only part of all of California was only in Sacramento. So I was able to take it and I didn't. I didn't pass it. But that fourth try, all I did was study a little bit more, because when you take the real estate test they should give you your score, but when you pass, you pass. Don't care 70 or 100%, they don't pass. And when I, when I went and I said just a little bit more in a week's time, so Sunday, I said let me get my stuff together Sunday and that Thursday I took the test and.

Speaker 1:

I passed it, but I never gave up. Yeah, and that's like anything, even in real estate investing anything that we doing, just anything in life. You never give up on anything. Yeah, you're your own worst enemy, your own worst critic. And don't listen to the outside noise. Those are the ones that you know what I Think? They just hate the life.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, because there's a lot of people out there they don't want other people's assists to succeed.

Speaker 1:

But we have somebody genuine caring about you and everything like even with you, like Like we got connected through a friend, yeah, and then we started talking and everything from this it's. It's all. It's been this since day one number love.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, so, yeah, so what? That outside noise like I tell people do not listen to it. This isn't, it doesn't get you anywhere. If anything, it's just there's a whole lot of negativity in this war that's going on right now. Side swipe it, side swipe it. I tell people, even when I wake up in the morning. People like, well, how are you doing today? I said, how am I doing? I said I woke up. There's some people that don't wake up in the morning. I said I feel blessed to wake up in the morning. It's another day. So yeah, and then, like you said, the mindset Going into real estate, investing, just changing it, like you change it from nursing Yep, they're real estate, I mean, you still are, but you change your strength Yep, you like, oh, what do I need? What did I need to do to produce and help my family more, better out in life?

Speaker 2:

Yes, like that exactly what it was and even what else, what other, what other, I don't know I can take to have the, the successful outcome, yes, as the as nursing, yeah, and there's something there's. You know we can do this, thousand things you can do, yeah, but just real face something that was always interested in, just like, you know, helped us always interested in it.

Speaker 2:

But, yeah, taking it on and learning, that's the biggest thing. Learning, yeah, getting getting getting comfortable to where, like now, you're in a position to where you're going to Actually think of move on, something you know if it comes up. But yeah, for sure I get in, getting switching my gears to Investing and it's a.

Speaker 1:

It's a, it's a marathon. It's that's exactly what it it's a marathon, it's a long marathon. It takes you. You got it, okay. You got to take baby steps. You got to take baby steps. You don't want to just gradually just go into something. You just you have to take baby steps and you know what you need to that information. You need to apply it to yourself. Yeah, apply to yourself and then apply to others that want that food for thought. There's a lot of people. There's a lot of people that want that food for thought. They just don't know how to go about asking or or Approaching, approaching how to come about it. I, I talk to people about it all the time and it's like they wouldn't know anymore any more information. I got the information and if I don't got the information, I'll do the best as possible to get the best information for you or leads you in the right direction.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, I think we talk about it too like strengths, and I thought around people that want the best food, but also sound around people that are Doing it too, or not even just doing it, but like our interest in it too exactly we're interested in the same thing. Yeah we're not rolling the dough right now, but no man just beat around you. I see all the time would be that dude.

Speaker 1:

Flickering exactly yeah.

Speaker 2:

I got it, I got a lot of money. Yeah, I'm talking about risk and get my fire going. Get given interest is interest back up and you know I, once bought, will talk about something. I'm like dude, yeah, you're right, like you hooked me up with your mom, yes, and you know I call it up to the first person I talked to you about. You know, actually running numbers, like, okay, he's my credit, he's how much I made. She's okay, this is what you want to do, this is your, your, your price range is what you come up with for me. I was an awesome. I had members to shoot for and you know, getting actually getting to that point, a lot of people they don't, they don't, they don't, they don't even to a point where they could talk to a law officer. No, right, but I'll take home. Okay, I've done it. Like talking you, I would have never had the connection with her, I never would have talked about it.

Speaker 2:

I would have never actually have numbers to To play with you know as far as I get in the ball like now have a goal number, yes, like I hit that, I hit that. She says she, she's talking about hit this number, we can go get your. I was like that's crazy and yeah, that's my goal, that's my little, my little mini goal is hit that number and that's right there.

Speaker 1:

That's a, that's a blueprint. That's a blueprint that you go live like and that you know how it started from. Of course I talked to you, but then you went to her. I was like you need to talk to her. Yeah, she'll be able to run the numbers, see what you're working with. Yeah, and then you can know what you're working with to from how much you make, how much is dealt with with in life, like from all your bills and everything because you broke it down.

Speaker 2:

She's like, okay, we'll, let's see, you don't want to make what your balls, that and how, all that planned out ready to go. And then, you know, had an excellent X amount of money one of us and how big of a home or probably want to get. And then she's like, well, that sounds great, rocky, but this is what Realistically you can afford and stuff and what she can offer. And she was just the first person to talk to you. I'm gonna, you know, want to talk to more Loan offers. Doesn't see, what you know, the options are something that. But just talking that first one was the first step because it it just lit that little fire on it. Oh, that's so, it's up to you, right there, and I like kidding me you tell me that run.

Speaker 2:

You tell him I come up with money.

Speaker 1:

You, we can start looking. That's going. Yeah, I was like I can do that.

Speaker 2:

I can still do that, so.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, and I like and like what you said to when she said, realistically, yeah, that's what it comes down to, because of people, that they can tell you all types of numbers. I know, too, that it all comes down to also with the buy, the communication also, because there's people out there. If you probably went to another person we don't know, she could have been, she could, they could have been better than her, they could have been horrible, but you would never know. That's like a not to throw off the subject, but when it came to like even with me with the brokerage, like I knew where I wanted to go, but I want to talk to a couple of other people and see how they were going to present themselves, yeah, they all got challenged flags and I was like, yeah, I got too many flags going on here. I'm going to have to go with my gut feeling, but I just want to see the other side, the other direction, to see how other brokers were talking with what they had to offer. And that's good.

Speaker 1:

With the loan officer that, yeah, she's really good at what she does. And what's crazy about her story is also is that when she bought a house, her friend was helping her. But the reason why she got into as a loan officer is because her friend actually did horrible and she felt so overwhelmed by how she got her house and everything from her friend who was supposed to be a friend, a close friend, and everything that. That's how she got to be a loan officer. That's how and everybody that knows her here in town they love her.

Speaker 1:

They love her because she's truthful.

Speaker 2:

And she keeps everything realistic. Realistic. She was personal and I felt like I almost had a fudge, some things Like yeah, I'm starting this business, I just got an LLC. She's like okay. She was like yeah, everyone. She was like literally. She was like everyone starts somewhere.

Speaker 1:

Exactly Everyone starts somewhere.

Speaker 2:

And it's kind of calming down, Like, okay, well, I have this much money. And so she, just like you say, realistically, she just broke it down, Wasn't the number of money, but again when we started somewhere but it was but at least you know you wasn't looking to do it.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, I know. And.

Speaker 2:

I think I talked to her. I talked to her probably, like you know, this year and talked to her since, because I've been grinding. She get to that way out, yeah, ever since that night.

Speaker 1:

Well, I talked to her, I spent a few months back, but, yeah, she's moved on, she's, she's on her own branch now.

Speaker 2:

Right now. Yeah, she's on her own branch. I don't know if I can get to her now. She might deal with better people. No, no, no, no, no.

Speaker 1:

God, please get her ring. She definitely will remember. But yeah, at least you got into the right direction to start into real estate. Yeah, you talk, you was talking with me. Did I get you in the direction of talking to a loan officer? Hanging around the right people? That works, that's. There's a bio proverb that I always go by. I know everybody you don't hear this all the time for me, but it's so truthful that association spoils useful habits. Basically, who?

Speaker 1:

you surround yourself with that association spoils useful habits. So what it means is basically, whoever you are around, you adapt. Yeah, you adapt too. Yeah, that's exactly what it means. So if you have great habits and you hang around the wrong crap, your yellow habits are gonna are gonna just just come right off of you and you're gonna be a part of who you surround it by. So if you're around a whole bunch of people who deal with real estate or talk about real estate or making those moves into real estate and everything, and they, they're good people and they're honest, that's the honest. That's being real estate. Yeah, Honest, reliable and realistic, like that goes a long ways. That's gonna take you in that direction where you need to appause the mindset. They're gonna you're gonna teach people, other people who don't know about real estate that wanna learn. It's just altogether that whole circle. It's gonna be healthy.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, yeah, yeah, there's people that wanna get into it and I talk about it. It was a while I worked with some just like, oh yeah, I'm just, you know, I wanna do stuff. And then some people are like what we do it? And the the ones that are just that actually are what's he called? Like they actually want to hear about it and see what you want to do. You can tell by the body and the other ones. And they got the other ones about oh, what are you doing? Okay, that's cool. And they're just kind of walk up like yeah, I love those ones.

Speaker 1:

I love those ones because those are the ones are gonna be working for the man for the next 20 years and they're gonna be like robots.

Speaker 2:

But you know what, if I, if I don't become, you know, super, super successful in this thing you know I tried had a mindset I'd rather be, I'd rather be. This is my life. To me, she said, rocky, you're never happy. He said I got decent job, people, wife to two, awesome, you know, if the son's never named. She's like you, never happy because you always want more. She's like you always want more for yourself, for us, but it just takes you wherever it takes you. She's like I'm gonna come on with the ride because you always want more, you always want to do the right thing. Yeah, she's like you want more, but you want to do it the right way.

Speaker 2:

Yes, and I was like, yeah, you know that there's. I have so much different of advice is about getting an investment copy and Some I was like, oh, that's a great idea. You know I'm gonna implement that part. I mean some of the people, if you do this, put this on your name here. But you really, you really just kind of you don't live there, it's for you but you know in the bank thing.

Speaker 2:

You live there but you're into now, and then you can get that 3% down. Where's the 20% down?

Speaker 1:

Yeah, Came to me with that one. No, no, no but exactly To each his own, but he can have that one.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 1:

Yeah, so yeah, it comes. That's what it comes down to being around the right circle mindset. That mindset is huge because that's that's it. There's so many distractions. There's so many distractions when it comes to just any goals that person have in life. There's so many distractions on the internet.

Speaker 2:

I mean just yeah, and like the one thing I was talking about, like For me it was big on my family because like my wife, she Will you have my back Anything I do. But at the same time she kind of grounds me a little bit, because I guess I got tell me the other if someone told me today, hey, rocky, I'll buy your house for 30, 40%, then will you buy for I'd like done deal, that's X amount of Money that I'm gonna make on. On that money I'm like you know I'm gonna make so much money on this house I could buy two more houses to do play, you know also today and just start hitting as well as they Invest me hard, I watch. You say no, that you know. Let's start off and just break and save money First and all this stuff. I'm like, yeah, you're right, you're right. But like it was up to me, I was like let's go, we're going, we're going hard, we're gonna go in and we're gonna sell everything.

Speaker 1:

Exactly. Sit down. Sit down and do the number, hold on we in three or four times value than this house. That's the down put second way.

Speaker 2:

So she, she, having her have my back look around at the same time, but, like, because in my mind I'm like I'll, you know, I think anyone doesn't even any kind of investing. They have to have that, that I'm personality to where, like, they're gonna give it, they're all yes right.

Speaker 2:

So I have that in me for sure, but why definitely keeps me to where, like, don't go all Unless you're ready and that's, this is really what you're gonna do. In a lot of times, I don't know. A lot of times I got like Put myself and get ready before doing anything.

Speaker 1:

They. You gotta fall back and think things over, yeah.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, and it's a, it's a process. You say, just like you came to jump in it tomorrow.

Speaker 2:

No you have to Get your life set up. You know, as far as your family, the people you're gonna be around with your environment and and product, my original people that doing it and to invest like around, like us, like just your. You know decent job, decent Saturday and stuff and trying to get into it a lot of times you know you have to have that income to even get that, that home that you're living in versus yeah, so get your finances set up to where you can do that. I want to the bank. When I talk to I thought to another banker what bridge. When I read when I I was like you know, if you do, if you do get around probably stuff that they want they this is what he told me like if they want to, if they want you to have at least three months of your income, it's saved, just for just in case. I think the other broker is like yeah, three months might save for like a cushion right.

Speaker 2:

This kid you can't lay it out, right away or whatever. And like I didn't think of that, I was like my plan was I'm going to get a haul and I'm going to fix it up, I'm going to run out that month, so I'll be fine. But then I was like right, if it is, this stuff does come up, it's vacant, yeah, it's not a bad idea.

Speaker 2:

No, so if it went from like I can do it today to like you know, I got to look like I got way to come with them to where like okay, now I have to save a little more money to do this, to get a good deal and be safe. So now I'm going to come months into another year. So, just like getting getting it ready, get my, my finances, my family and everyone ready and kept like, hey, if we do this, let's do it the right way, a safe way to you know, come out to self-publish the end.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, yeah, yeah, exactly yeah. So, yeah, that's that's why you shouldn't you shouldn't dive into real estate. It's going to take, it's going to take you a minute. It's going to take you a minute and then you've got to, you know, check all the boxes and then give it with the right people, and sky's the limit, cause there's so many different avenues when it comes to real estate investing. Yeah, stay hungry. Yeah, you always got to stay, you all. Yeah, that's one thing. Yeah, stay hungry, like like you have an eight in a while. You've got to keep on going. I go at it every single day. There be days where I'm like I don't want to, but hey, you know what, I put some food for thought in this brain of mine, at least, even if it's 15, 20 minutes, like it happens all it happens to me all the time. So in the sometimes I'm like you know the reason. It's like hold on. Let me listen to this podcast I really like, cause there's a few out there that I really like. That just it. Just they amp me up.

Speaker 2:

Oh, yeah, one more set. Yeah, I was like man, you're right, I can't do that yeah.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, exactly Like, even like anything that you've got to stay hungry, and we're talking about real estate investing. I actually I listened to a gentleman, sean. He's on Think Media and he's he's awesome, he's great at what he does. He started off. He started off. You know YouTube, what videos in the first church and you look at the videos. He started, but see, you had to start somewhere.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 1:

Yeah, and he says and his motto is he goes, all you have to do is press record. Yeah, and he says I think he says all the fear and everything when you look at the camera and eventually that'll go away. So there's a purpose for reason. Why you're making a YouTube or a podcast is to help others out, and it's to help you out too. But you, you, you got to, you got to make that first step. So, yeah, so it's another episode wrapped in the books and a world out there. Hey, you take care and God bless. All right, everybody. Have a good one. Where are you looking at these little small Uh to identify.