The Professionalist Real Estate Investing Podcast

Post Covid Update

The Professionalist Real Estate Investing Podcast Season 1 Episode 6

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On this episode Rob is interviewing Tony after his trip to Monterey California. Rob recently had Covid19 and Bronchitis and now that he's feeling better, we're back!

Podcast Intro 

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Speaker 1:

Good evening Tony.

Speaker 2:

What's good, rob, how you doing. I'm doing a lot better now, man. I know you was down for about three weeks, man.

Speaker 1:

This has been a year. Let me tell you that COVID, and then bronchitis, been off work for forever.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, I know I was like well, since, since you're sick, I'm gonna be in the lab Getting content ready for you know, the people out there. I know it has been a been a minute, but I'm ready. I'm ready to take on the wall right now.

Speaker 1:

That's great. So what are you been up to? Well, I've been doing a lot.

Speaker 2:

Besides doing a whole lot of things for us, with the podcast and Our YouTube coming out next month in our first guest Next month. I just got back from Monterey. Last week I had to go to a contractual class and some of the member down there in Monterey Association of realtors I love that place, man, it's just, it's so beautiful it's. It's one of God's gifts to this world.

Speaker 1:

So you were down there for would you go down there for a seminar or class or something?

Speaker 2:

It was a contract class, the the class I went to. The food wasn't the best, but the teaching skill of the teacher was. It was on point and I learned actually a lot like it. It refreshed my memory and a lot of things and he brought the light a lot with me with different experiences that he's gone through being a Relature down there.

Speaker 1:

So you got a hold of me when you're down there and something. Something happened and you didn't tell me exactly how it ended up happening. You want to tell them what? Happened with that guy. What did he point out about you?

Speaker 2:

so it was, it was break. It was after lunch, it was break and he came to me, says it's just, tony, I already have a podcast. And I was like, yes, I do. He said was it Intel that said it entails with real estate investing. He said, ah, that is great. He says I'm gonna have to follow you. And I was like them saying to myself, well, how did he know that I have a podcast? And I remember I told someone and then he thought it was probably great for me doing my own podcast with, with you and To you know, by word of mouth, that's how I got out.

Speaker 1:

Man, that's great. So what kind of stuff did you guys cover in this contract class?

Speaker 2:

Down there and moderates a whole different world. So I did learn this because, as being a realtor, especially up here in Northern California, compared down there, down to Monterey, they have a lot of water rights and you have to be very particular on what you do with water rights, because Water rights, because you're right there by Monterey Bay, if you're close to the Bay I it's just a whole lot of legislative things that you have to worry about. So that's why they have I call them professional Transaction coordinators that know how to go about with the forms in real estate to make you Accomplish everything you need to to seal the deal. If, even if you're a person that is help person buying or a person who's helped selling a home because oh you know the homes to the price point down there is, it's insane, we're talking million-dollar homes. For instance, brad Pitt, he lives in Carmel. He bought his his home down there the year or two ago was 40 million dollars. So they're they're real estate. The real estate game down there is built different.

Speaker 1:

That's like real luxury real estate yes, it is that fake.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, that that come that, that, that money, that that, that you're like you know what money's, not even an object, it's that type of money, but I love it down there. The people have always been good to me. The food, the food not for the class, but the food overall, yes, and you know you have the, the aquarium. I love looking at the whales, the dolphins, just nature itself. It just clears your head up. But I'll be going back down there soon. Since I'm a part of their association. I actually learned a lot and I get a lot of emails about. They work with a lot of. They work with all the realtors that are part of that association. Up here, where I'm at, they do okay job, but down there they're. They're really good at making sure that they want to make sure that the real estate agent succeed in their business man.

Speaker 1:

that's great, so it sounds like there's a real good community down there. Yes, it is.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, I, if I could, I would be living down there right now as we speak man, that's great.

Speaker 1:

So. So what else happened? While you're down there, do you like make any more connections or something? I know you're networking everywhere you go.

Speaker 2:

Yes, I always am. I network with this one. Gentlemen, we, actually we can stay in constant communication. It was crazy how we met. It was just like we went up and Got some breakfast before class and we just started started talking away and Now we got a friendship and a bond together. You know that you don't know who, who you're gonna encounter. So you know I treat everybody with the utmost Respect and it goes a long ways, a long ways in life and long ways and work just even your daily activities in life.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, that's part of being a A professional. I think, exactly always holding everybody up with a certain amount of respect, you know.

Speaker 2:

And I have to contribute that to you know also what that is a. I had home training from you, know mom and dad. Yeah, they taught me a lot. They told me how you know how to handle, how to handle and present myself.

Speaker 2:

So, it does. It does and that's what you know within real estate and real comes to real estate investing is how you hold yourself and that's where the trust you gain a lot of trust by the way you handle yourself, how your punctual. Like I talked to a couple people today. I told them I'd call them at a specific time and I call them right there the time. I said I had write that down. When you're consistent like that, like it helps your whole life better overall and especially in real estate, because you don't want nobody Just himmed up on time like I thought they were gonna call me and they didn't call, that's not being Professional in your profession.

Speaker 2:

So I've really treasure how I handle myself, being on time, being punctual, and that's just like with me and you we talked about like someone to let the world to know, like we're about to be really consistent On this podcast part, because there's so much knowledge out there, a lot of people not understanding how things work. We're not. We're not experts at this, but we know how to go about doing things.

Speaker 2:

So we want the world to know what's going on you know, basically, you know what, basically, as a what's new, would say for your game?

Speaker 1:

Yeah, that's exactly what it is, as we're learning. We're just disseminating this game, man, just putting it out there, hoping someone you know, hopefully someone picks it up and they do something with it too right, and it's like to.

Speaker 2:

It's like what a Tyler. Perry said, say it only takes one, one person that listens and you change your life. You've, you've done an abundance right, you've done it exactly.

Speaker 1:

I think it was I Don't know, I think it was wallow for a million dollars worth of game. Who said there's eight billion people on the face of the planet. Yes, you really think that you can't find a hundred thousand people that are gonna like your thing? Exactly, that's all it takes a hundred thousand people like your thing and you're done. You don't have to do that. Nine to five, no more. It doesn't matter what your thing is, no.

Speaker 2:

No, and especially if you, you love what you do. There's a lot of people who don't love what they do, but me and you, we love what we do with this podcast and and Giving people information to help them in their life and succeed in life into a different adventure in real estate investing.

Speaker 1:

Right, exactly. You know, through all this COVID stuff that I've been going through the last few weeks, before that I would get real kind of anxious about getting on this microphone and lately I've just been kind of feeding for it. You know I'm ready to be in here and just knock these out and just keep doing them.

Speaker 2:

Well exactly, shoot. You was down for three months. She's not three months, three weeks, it felt like three months. Yeah. So yeah, I mean, yeah, why you was, why you was getting better, I was. I was in a lab getting things done, so we were both getting better. Yes, we was.

Speaker 1:

Time the time.

Speaker 2:

You know there's 24 hours in a day. Everybody has, but it's what you do with it.

Speaker 1:

Well, it's like Mac. Dre said 24 hours in a day.

Speaker 2:

I need 10 mo, exactly, dude, I give me yeah, give me about 10 more. I can do more things.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, you'd be amazed.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 1:

All right, so that's gonna be it for today. We're gonna be back in a few days with a bigger podcast for you guys, some more content. We've got a bunch of different content lined up. We've been doing research and Really compiling information for you guys, trying to get everything together and doing our homework and our due diligence the proper way. Hopefully, things on the audio side are getting better with this as we figure this out a little better every time. We're figuring out our microphones and our equipment a lot better, and we just want to be Really clear that we're super grateful to everybody who's been going through and listening to our episodes, everybody who's stuck with us through all this.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, I think that's it, yeah and I was one of the people know, yeah, next I'm working on Everything with. The YouTube channel is gonna be the professionist real estate investing podcast channel, and we have one gentleman from the Midwest that we will be having on our first, first episode on YouTube. And then we have another gentleman that that I definitely have to put on because he actually brought my eyes into real estate before, before COVID came in to the picture. I was even actually with them today and everything, and I definitely have to have a month. We we actually had a great conversation for a good 20 minutes today, just one-on-one, about from where we we was Two, three years ago to now and like we've brought in our mind, we've, we've brought in our mind to a place where it's just it's just ungodly how far we've come and we just don't take anything for granted.

Speaker 2:

We just keep on, you know, just striving, getting ourselves better mentally, physically, and what more can I say that this I just thank God every day, you know, I tell people there's like, how are you doing in the morning? Right, I said, how am I doing? I tell them I woke up this morning. Some people don't wake up.

Speaker 1:

It's a great way to look at it. Man, you know work. People ask me the same thing how are you doing? I tell them I'm good, you know. Even if I'm having a bad day, I tell them I'm good, you know why, because I'm not one of them. Dang hospital beds Exactly.

Speaker 2:

My mom always taught me this too. She said that remember, son, there's always somebody in a worse position than you're in.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, that's absolutely right, and it's important to remind yourself of that because you know the negative stuff that you end up going through could be.

Speaker 2:

Overwhelming, exactly. So that's why you know we don't take anything for granted, that's right. So, yeah, I would say the same thing to for everybody that's listening to us, thank you. Please subscribe to the podcast. Please subscribe to the YouTube. When it comes out, I will let you know.

Speaker 2:

I'm working on videos. I'm working on content. You you would think that I had 48 hours in a day, but I only have 24, like everybody else. But you know I want this to succeed. I want people to know To the information that's out there, and I think we're gonna do it more, actually even better, when we have the YouTube channel, so when people see our faces and everything.

Speaker 2:

And you know this used to be a Mane cave. Now I've turned it into a full throttle studio with everything that's needed and with the help of you and you editing and doing so much different things. Like I don't even take that for granted at all. I actually have you as a blessing, because when I first had the idea doing a podcast and I told you about it, I thought you'd be the number one person out of all the people around me, because I know you're in the liquids at a superb level. Then nobody can even touch. So that's why I was like you know what, let me get that broad, because I know he's gonna bring so many gems to this podcast, and we're great friends too, so you know it's a combination of both.

Speaker 1:

Man, thank you very much for that.

Speaker 2:

No problem, no problem. Trust me, I think a lot of things over, and when I think with, when, my heart and my mind together as one, nothing can be stopped.

Speaker 1:

Oh, that's absolutely true. That's absolutely true.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, that's for everybody, man.

Speaker 1:

Exactly yeah, don't matter who you are.

Speaker 2:

All right then. Well, yeah, we'll see everybody real soon. We got another podcast. We we actually got Ssss on how much content we have ready, but we're ready to bring it out.

Speaker 1:

That's right. We got at least the next three planned out. For sure We'll have more in the next couple days. So, yeah, look forward to hearing from us some more. Subscribe to the podcast, tell a friend and and start looking forward to that YouTube channel. We'll let you guys know when it's coming out, for sure. All right, peace.