The Professionalist Real Estate Investing Podcast

Unlocking the Hidden Wealth in Real Estate

The Professionalist Real Estate Investing Podcast Episode 8

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Ready to uncover the secrets of real estate investing strategies that most don't even know exist? We promise you'll walk away from this episode with powerful insights on acquiring properties from homeowners who are behind on payments or facing foreclosure. Our co-host Marcus pulls back the curtain on this hidden gem of 'subject to' property acquisition, contrasting it with other more familiar strategies such as wholesaling, multifamily investing, and lease options. He stresses that each of these strategies requires specialized knowledge and brings into sharp focus the three main ways to profit in real estate: wholesaling, fixing and flipping, and buy-and-hold strategies.

Ever wondered about the power of 'name dropping' in real estate conversations? This episode will expose how beneficial it can be to your climb up the ladder of success. We talk about the value of learning from established figures in the industry, and underscore the significance of maintaining your professional reputation, emphasizing honesty and integrity. We also delve into the fascinating world of whole life insurance policies, trusts, and family banking, illuminating the concept of 'owning nothing but controlling everything'. Don't miss this chance to gain insight on these lesser-known aspects of real estate wealth and control. Plus, we're inviting you - our listeners - to be a part of our Professional Real Estate Investing Podcast. Discover how in this episode!

Podcast Intro 

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Speaker 1:

What's going on world? Another episode of the profession's real estate investing podcast yes, Got my man, marcus, over here.

Speaker 2:

How you doing, marcus? Oh man, just it's a beautiful situation. I'm just so glad you invited me again for another episode, man, so we could talk about some investing, some real estate, investing what we've been seeing, what we've been kind of just learning, and everything. So I appreciate you.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, man, we're just gonna make this real brief, but yeah, get it to people out there. What have you been listening to or learning lately? So, man?

Speaker 2:

I've just been really concentrating on getting down a strategy that I just been learning called subject to, and it's about, you know, trying to acquire properties from homeowners that are basically in trouble. They're, like you know, behind a payments and stuff like that. You know they might be facing a foreclosure situation type situation so I've been kind of learning about that strategy.

Speaker 1:

You know, yeah, you picked me up on game on that because I had no knowledge of that at all. And now I look through all my information and what do you know? It's right there. It's actually, it's a hidden gem. I was because of the average real estate agent. They probably don't even know anything about.

Speaker 2:

Subject to they probably don't, because the average real estate agent only knows what they were taught. You know Exactly. They really know investing, unless they're on the side of investing. You know most of them just sell to people and they try to get commission and stuff and you know they just shop houses and stuff like that and open houses and all that. But if you're a real estate agent or broker, that also is messed and that's the thing. Then yeah, you'll know the strategies. You'll know about this strategy. You know.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, in fact, I would just give you a little taste about what it is because, man, we both intrigued about how goes, how goes down with it. You know, our next episode next week. We're gonna really really get into deck about it. But yeah, it is really, man, it's like blowing away. You can actually do it into the course of the state. You can actually do it with cars.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, I haven't heard cars, cameras, even I haven't even incidental with cameras. I've been seeing this stuff all live man people been doing sub two with cars and sub two and like cameras and like equipment and stuff like that. People were subject to financing.

Speaker 2:

It's called so like yeah, I guess it works and, depending on how you set it up, it works. But you know, man, it's just a good strategy. I've been just learning it and trying to figure it out, like how can I put it in my my weapon of what do they call that In the bag? Yeah, trying to put it in my bag, trying to use it with the rest of the tricks that I'm trying to use with wholesaling, and goes along with it, because that's one of the beginning strategies. You know, no one ever says start subject to it.

Speaker 2:

Once you get into the room, they always say start wholesaling, but subject to man's low cost entry. Yes, you're gonna need some money, just like wholesaling. Sometimes you're gonna need some money. But people say you don't need money for wholesaling, but you're gonna need something EMD money, something. Yeah, you know so. But yeah, learning about that, learning about other things, but subject to man. We've been up and sending you videos back and forth. Name drop real quick. Paste Morby, because I've been watching his videos. Shout out to paste Morby, if you ever listen to this podcast.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, it's crazy. I've always seen him because I always seen him with the deuce and lately I he be dropping. He be dropping gems in there. I'm I just be glued to the TV and I'm like goodness, like it's good to hear other people talk about real estate investing. Yeah, because you get a different perception from their eyes and what they're guilty with.

Speaker 2:

Yes, yes, I agree with you Because you know, I've been just watching everybody specializing. What they specialize like is that, yes, he? I guess people been saying he's this up to guy. There's other people that are, you know, I don't know. There's other people then grant that is multifamily, but grants the multifamily guy, like you know, kind of in the way for me. Then there is people that do wholesaling. I Don't know like the person that comes to mind wholesaling, that's really like that's out. There is I Think it's the dude that that pacemess is with Jamil or something like that. Yeah, one dude, jamil. Yeah, that's his name.

Speaker 1:

Right hand man right there.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, I've been seeing a lot of online stuff about Jamil. He's like he has a number one wholesaling business or one of the one of his businesses number one In real estate and he specializes in wholesaling. So I've been noticing him and then she's like I don't think there's like a real Person, that's just doing like lease options only, or just you know those guys use all the strategies. You know I'm sure everybody uses whatever strategy tailored to whatever deal. But you know, on the forefront those guys are like the Jamil guy for wholesaling right now pays for sub to Grant for multi. That's just I don't know my opinion like what about you?

Speaker 1:

Definitely I'm insane. Well, right there, especially with pace. Like I wrote down today, like if you, you be breaking it down like so easy for anyone to understand if you're not into real estate investing, yeah, or you aren't into real estate bestings, because I wrote it down. I'm always taking notes, you know. He said there's only three ways to make money as a real estate investor one wholesale to Fixing flip, three by and cold yeah, yeah, that's that. There's only three ways. When you said that I'm just like man's right, mm-hmm, yeah, yeah, because if you, if, you look at it, that's a big picture.

Speaker 2:

That's really the three things you're doing and, yeah, just gonna buy something to. You know it's a wholesale, real quick to make some money. You gonna buy a face or upper, or you looking for the long-term game game so you can get some cash flow. So it's exactly. No, yes, that's the three main ways. I like old school, rather grand, while I was telling you, yes, he'd be covering like lease options and like terms and all kinds of just. I've seen a couple of his videos. It's older videos and that's some real game right there.

Speaker 1:

Grand, I'm telling you and it's good that, like everyone listens about you know how I really say investing is done. You know different facets and everything because, like me, you was talking a couple days ago. Well, it was actually known yesterday Mm-hmm, like you seem like how many homes were in a Notice of default, notice default, like in this, in this county?

Speaker 2:

What was it? 23? So it's like I think it said in Shasta was 26 or something and then in Tehama was like 17. That's the ones that I saw recorded, you know, between like as the end of July this year to up till like about right now, or that's still a good amount.

Speaker 1:

Like you're still you take me some that because people they, they need help yeah they need a lot of help.

Speaker 2:

I mean, there's probably a lot more in the bigger cities as far as, like, notice the defaults and pre-foreclosures, because the area is bigger, Obviously, but for this little area, just having not that many is kind of a lot. You know, yeah, especially yeah, a lot of people can, can benefit as far as investing to about those people that are that are in that kind of situation, you know, that are in default, that are in the pre-bore closure status, the current status that they're in. That is just trying to figure it out.

Speaker 1:

You know, yes, so there's, there's, there's plenty of ways to you know to get in on. As far as that's concerned, you know, in all the programs that are out there there's so many programs that the government provides. But yeah a lot don't know, yeah, and then, like homeowners, are skeptical too when they're in that that notice a default and pre foreclosure process. They can't really trust anybody.

Speaker 2:

That's just gonna come and save their day or what they think is they're gonna save their day. But they're like you know, when that person does come and actually does it like wow, he helped me Do this, I was able to get a little bit of cash for this and you know, and it just works out for them in the end. But and I think people will be you- know, skeptical.

Speaker 1:

I think a lot of it, too, deals with also too, is embarrassment. Yeah, for sure it the embarrassment aspect, and Everyone needs help. You know what I'm saying? You people's, people, everybody's life is different. There could be a turn of event that just happens, but second and everything just goes down. You know, and that's why it's good to help people out. Yeah, it's always good. Yeah, there's, there's that, there's that bad comment that everybody talks about. But there's good karma too. Yes, exactly, there's all those. Always good karma, if you put that good energy out and there's always gonna be good karma.

Speaker 2:

It's gonna come back to you because you know you're putting out good energy in this universe. You stay away from negative people in situations. They're gonna bring you down. You know that's what you need to do on a daily basis. You don't want anyone trying to ruin your mood to get to where you need to go to to be successful. You know at the end of the day, you know exactly exactly so yeah, so yeah, I think that's uh yeah, that's. That's some two men is a gem for sure and our next episode.

Speaker 1:

I'm telling everybody talking about that next episode. It's going to be, it's gonna be deep. So, yeah, you want to know about, you know it's up to trust me, you don't. You don't want to be, you want to listen to it, listen to her watch because, right, I'm gonna put it out there, because it's out. It's been out there, but a lot has been said about it and it's probably not even a lot of people around your circle or people around me. They even know having my deal with sub to yeah, yeah, it's not stand for substitute teacher. I know that dog.

Speaker 2:

Subject to existing financing. That's what it do stand for, though. So, if you want to like, you know, like I said, we not assuming no mortgages or no loans, we not taking over, I mean we not we not putting anything in our name, you know, as far as you know, putting loans in our name, assuming no loans, we will gladly take over the payments, but nothing. We ain't taking over no loans, but no loans, and just taking over payments. Getting on that D and you know we'll go through the process. And on the next Episode so there's the whole yeah says that we're gonna have lined out of how it actually works and how you close on us up to deal, you know, with creative financing. It's, it's creative financing.

Speaker 1:

So it's deep and but well, well, explain it. Well, explain it to the tea because it's, it's not.

Speaker 2:

I don't view it as overwhelming, but if someone doesn't know about it, we're gonna break it down. Yeah, yeah, if you're a beginner to real estate investing, we'll break it down for you, just kind of like how we did wholesaling. I think didn't we do it, wholesaling a?

Speaker 1:

little bit on the.

Speaker 2:

We're gonna do it a little bit, yeah, okay so yeah, we kind of covered what wholesaling was, I think, on the first episode or the second, but we're gonna go on this next one to cover stuff too and how it can be a very, very good strategy to use for investing and to benefit from it as an investor standpoint.

Speaker 2:

We're trying to help people. At the same time, it's unfortunate that people go through these type of situations. It happens every day, along with, like you said, people get embarrassed and stuff. They don't want you to know that they're going through that type of situation, but hey, it's like things happen and there's people that are out there to help you, to help you with your property, whether it's doing a substitute with them or whether it's working out some kind of other deal or working out a strategy that suits every party. It has to work for every party, because this is a business yes, it is. It has to work for both parties A life changing business at that. Oh yeah, yeah. So we're not out here just doing this for nothing. I'd love to share the information for free.

Speaker 2:

I never, just wanted to sell some information but. I'll give the game away. Everybody knows you got to take that action if you want to actually apply the strategies and stuff that we are talking about and are going to be talking about on this podcast.

Speaker 1:

You have to take that first step. You got to take action. Action shows a lot. Action shows a lot because you know what, when action shows a lot, that's when the consistency comes into play also.

Speaker 2:

You'll just be consistent. Take the normal steps. Don't let nobody rush you because you don't know the game all the way, or the strategy or real estate investing. Just keep learning. Just keep learning, man. That's all I can say, because I'm learning every day and you know you'll get to the goals that you want to achieve. There's new information, always readily available online. Always New strategies are coming out. Speaking of the pace, morby, you got something called Gator method or something like that. Did you see that? I've seen that. I haven't gone into it, me neither. I'm about to peek that out. I'm about to see what that Gator method is about. I'm hearing it's something dealing with like earnest money deposit or something like that, but I'm going to go check it out. Paces, like I said, lately I've been on his sub two videos. I'm about to go check out his Gator method videos and see what they're talking about, how to see if I can use that strategy, because that's something interesting. Gator method man. I just want to know what's up with that.

Speaker 1:

And seeing this thing about being my boy with markets for years. We'll listen to other people, yeah, so we'll learn from other people, because that's you know. That's all we have. Information is power.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, I'm good for name dropping, like Superstar real estate, I don't care who you are. Like this, like if I ever get to that level, I don't mind people name dropping me or whatever, because if they think that I'm, you know that they learn some game for me. So you best believe I'm gonna. If I'm gonna talk about you, I'm about to name drop you always in a good way, never, yeah, always, yeah, always in a good way. But I don't listen up all those little negative videos they try to put out on people. You know I'm saying that there ain't people that, but I will name drop. If you give me some game, I'm gonna name drop you for sure, yeah, yeah, hey.

Speaker 1:

Respect respect dude exactly God's who.

Speaker 2:

I got to tell one one learned a game from, yeah, you know, ronald Grant, pace Morby, grant, cardone man, just this, robert Kiyosaki, that old game. You know, yeah, just a little bit from everybody. You know what's on point Arizona, jerry Norton, I'm gonna go ahead and drive your driver. Drop name, yeah, name, drop, jerry Norton. See two big things out in Arizona too. Just a few people. You know, just a few people. I'll be kind of just like looking, you know, yeah look at that and then you put your twist.

Speaker 1:

You like whatever you. You like the way they, the way they handle themselves, the way they handle business. Yeah, the way they treat people. Oh, she was a lot.

Speaker 2:

I like the way they do their videos too. Like I like the way like they just the videos are very informational and it's educational and they give you real life. And some of some of these guys, the videos that give you real life scenarios of hey, I had this lady, that or this guy that I do that for this, and that they give you what they've been through. So in situations I like hearing that on those videos that they make, the videos are clean, crisp.

Speaker 1:

You know this is just you know, professional, yeah, we came a long ways to. I remember our first video to now. Yeah, I still got a ways to go right.

Speaker 2:

That first video was kind of like it was cool to start off. It was kind of, yeah, I guess the camera was just a little bit different, but that was our first one and we did it. And now you know you, you slowly, just you upgraded mics, we upgraded arms and just upgrading it.

Speaker 1:

I'm a passion for this. I have a passion for giving people Information. I don't I don't view it, as you know, just holding out, you know? No, everybody deserves to hear this. Yes, man, like anything to make anybody or somebody, I don't even care about me as long as I'm in one person. Yeah, better, yeah.

Speaker 2:

Make me feel good, you know, maybe feel good that gave you some information that's gonna help benefit you and your family and Get you to the next level. You know, because it's just power. Is that the same? Like you can, I can lose all the money. If you got it up here to gain it back, man, you got it Exactly, yes, I remember, yeah, I was talking about my boy that I'm gonna be interviewing.

Speaker 1:

I keep me. We just got to talk. We used to work together and ever since then, like if he has any real estate questions, he calls me. He's like I need some Tony time. I need to. I need to find out a couple things like how do you go about doing this? And Is this sound right? I said, well, that's kind of an ethical, I'm just excuse me. Yeah, yeah, yeah, he's that person doing it completely wrong. It gets found out, then he's gonna have to get dealt with. Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah.

Speaker 2:

I'm gonna have to suffer the consequences, and that's something that you just don't want to be involved in. You want to do everything right yeah, my example, yeah, paperwork right, everything right. You want to be able to have a Integrity in your business and honesty in your business and you don't want to be have that reputation of cutting corners and Kind of just all. They kind of did this little illegal tactic so they can close a deal like now. You don't want to be known for that.

Speaker 1:

No, no, no, so, so, yeah. So, if you want to, anyone who wants to be on the professional estate investing podcasts, go to professionals will see the best thing, calm, and then you can submit your information and everything. Me, my man mark, this week Will bring anyone on it, but that state knowledge what's about? You can follow us on YouTube. The 23 yeah, why, it's 23 MJ, the best that ever did it hold in the basketball, that's right. So, yeah, that's right. So I want to each each episode I'm gonna quote. So today's quote is by Rockefeller and then actually goes good, it goes really good. Sexual with real estate. Own nothing, control everything, yes, sir.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, that's the key, that's how they're doing it out here. That's all the wealthy and the rich which is, you know, that's how they're doing it. They're they got smart people on their team and they own nothing, but they control everything that they, you know, got they hands in. You know, throw everything in the trust. Oh, that's the whole other episode. They throw, throw everything in the trust as much as possible. And man, that's another episode. Yes, it is. After the sub two episode, we're gonna go into just a quick little thing about family banking and trust real quick. Yes, I know it's not really real estate related, but it's business related and you can be into the real estate.

Speaker 1:

Yes, it goes. It goes in your family.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, I talked about insurance policies, whole life insurance policies and family banking. You know that whole, that, whole everything, that topic, that's a huge umbrella right there. Yes, that's a whole other episode right there. You guys, you know for another time that we will touch on that a little bit.

Speaker 1:

So yeah, so yeah, next one, we're gonna be coming out sub two, that in depth, and yeah, there's gonna be a lot of gems. So get your your pen and piece of paper ready. Yes indeed, and for that we out Peace out of here,